Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

Real Change

One reason people are unhappy with the way politics and governments operate is that people who run for office are known to “say one thing and do another.”  Thus, we have the call for “change.”  Candidates for high office make frequent use of that word.  Even our House Republican Conference’s recently released slogan highlights that word.


Yet, bringing about change is easier said than done.  The American people are aware that government is broken and must be fixed.  They will demand more than lip service as our problems become more severe.


Change, then, cannot simply be a word.  It must be the right program, one that gets us out of this mess, not one that just accelerates us down the same treacherous path.  With our economy facing a perilous situation, the need to bring fiscal reform to our government is the cornerstone of the kind of change that is needed.  Real budgetary and monetary reform would signify a true change of direction, instead of merely a change of speed toward the economic cliff we are approaching.


Americans realize that their own financial situation is perilous.  The nation as a whole is deeply in debt, having mortgaged the future of our children and grandchildren.  When politicians talk about what they plan to do for future generations, they ought to begin by stating how they will remove the huge debt burden, not how they will find more ways to spend more money they don’t have.


In order to allow Americans to pay for their needs, whether for healthcare, education, or basics like food and gasoline, we need to change tax and monetary policies so the American people control more of their own money.  That money needs to stay in the economy, and out of the government money pit.


This means we must curb the voracious spending appetite of our federal government.  We need to rein in international commitments, especially the very expensive costs of maintaining a worldwide military presence, as a key first step to restructuring our budget and economy in a fashion that will allow Americans to provide for themselves.


We need to take a view of government that better reflects our own experience, as well as the wisdom of our nation’s founders.  There are very few constitutionally authorized federal powers, and returning daily government to this wisdom is real change.


Working toward a less intrusive, less expensive federal government focused on defending against overt actions of force and fraud, is the means to bringing about real change.  As we hear the repeated claims of those who wish to cast themselves as agents of change, we will do well to recall that more federal meddling is not a change in direction at all, but just “more of the same.”  We should be repealing programs, not proposing costly new bureaucracies.


Change, real change, the only kind of change that will quench the thirst of the American people for a new direction and provide us with the prosperity and security necessary to preserve our Republic as a beacon of liberty, requires bold initiatives designed to move our country away from economic peril by putting faith in free citizens instead of in Washington.



Feel free to leave a comment.  Comments may not appear immediately.

Posted by Ron Paul (07-07-2008, 12:06 PM) filed under Monetary Policy


Comment by Eugene Madaio
July 07, 2008 12:33 PM
Comment by Margie Tiritilli
July 07, 2008 12:34 PM
Stop billions of tax dollars used to support corrupt governments like Mexico. Any country getting our foreign aid either needs to pay us back in free oil or send in their troops to relieve ours in Iraq. Lastly, any politican who spends-and-taxes needs to have their own salary's withheld along with all the taxpayer-supported perks we provide to those who ignore the will-of-the-people. Nothing else will rein in these useless, dead-weight elected officials of both parties.
Comment by Howard Bernbaum
July 07, 2008 12:41 PM
But, first lets get rid of the 535+2 criminals that have placed our country on the edge of bankruptcy. Lets send them home without the retirement fund they set aside for themselves along with their political campaign funds and office furnishings. They won't need all that in the simple cell they belong in.
Comment by James
July 07, 2008 12:42 PM
Hello Dr Paul,

Well I agree with you 99.89% of the time. Your the only congress man that I subscribe to there emails and yet I am from NYC.
Comment by Steve Farrell
July 07, 2008 12:44 PM
Great column!

Thank you!

Steve Farrell
Editor In Chief
Stiff Right Jab
Comment by John Mahler
July 07, 2008 12:45 PM
I agree with all Senator Paul has said in this article. I add that a world disarmed of nuclear weapons is far more dangerous than a world of equal armament. The United States will soon learn this lesson as it's armed forces are spread over the globe in a last gasp effort to build and maintain the empire. Rome learned this lesson almost 2000 years ago. America cannot afford to provide every requirement of survival of every nation on earth. One day, each nation is going to have to stand on its own economically and militarily while sustaining its populations with agriculture, clean air and water. America can't be the world's police man or daddy. This madness has to stop. The FED and World Banks have got to cease to exist and free the American tribute slave of the burdens of central government and its horrendous extravagances. This is the "Home of the Brave and the land of the free". Lets get back to basics.
Comment by Cory Layne
July 07, 2008 12:47 PM
People in general fear change and take a lot of convincing, including repeated exposure to anything new. Apparently our so-called representatives in Congress know this and use fear of the unknown as a weapon against us. The problem is how to expose people to a new way of doing things in this country without government "protection." Perhaps we need a TV series like liberal "West Wing" only with a libertarian message.
Comment by Dan Ogletree
July 07, 2008 12:48 PM
One place to cut spending is to reduce the size of government. Every Congressman has a staff larger than the prime minister of England. If we arbitrarily "fired" everyother high ranking civil servant and everyother high ranking military person, after 6 months they would not be missed.
Comment by Jody LaLande
July 07, 2008 12:52 PM
Dear Dr. Paul,
I appreciate your ever vigilant voice of optimisum, but without you running for President (with all due respect, the other candidates are less than useless, in fact they are significantly destructive) and apparently the final outcome having been predetermined by the media regardless of the will of the people, I just can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel and with the impending presidency of pre-selected Obama at the helm, the trajectory is bleak indeed.
May God Bless you and yours everyday.
Comment by Ryan Gamble
July 07, 2008 12:53 PM
Real change comes with the understanding of how the sytem is broken, every day more and more Americans are waking up to the realization that their "own opinions" are mostly given to them by Corporate owned media. The same corporations that reap profits from keeping the People misinformed.
Comment by laura
July 07, 2008 12:54 PM
Real change starts with abolishing the Federal Reserve!


peace and love to you RP!
Comment by Tom Gleinser
July 07, 2008 01:04 PM
Dr. Paul does not adequately emphasis the importance of immediately stopping the growth of government. It is probably already too late. Our children and grand children will not know the happiness that we have experienced because of politicians like BHO.
Comment by Jacky Manchester
July 07, 2008 01:06 PM
I appreciate these mailings giving us real answers to real problems. I am thankful to see my concerns reflected in what RP says, but with more understanding and discernment than I am capable of having. Therefore, it feeds and nourishes me, and increases my trust in my Lord and Saviour as He is the one who gives us the government we deserve.
Comment by molly cruz
July 07, 2008 01:11 PM
I sent you money because i perceived you to be the only halfway sane Republican running; but I don't think you belong there. Come on over, Ron, and admit you are a Democrat, or at least and perhaps at best, an Independent.
Comment by Roy Stewart
July 07, 2008 01:11 PM
Write in Ron Paul !

Our 'DC Aristocracy'
and the 'devolution' of OUR government!

My dream: a Second "Bill of Rights", in addition to the First Ten Amendments!

Too many citizens overlook "Of the People, for the People, By the People", refusing to Take a stand, and Make a Difference.

Write in Ron Paul !

Roy Stewart,
Phoenix AZ
Comment by Ted Berthelote
July 07, 2008 01:12 PM
This is all true, but it is not the whole story. When are we going to expose the real culprits - the international banking cartel, the IMF, the World Bank, the FED, and the leadership of the Council on Foreigh Relations. The 535+2 are simply minions for the evil power broakers mentioned above.
Comment by Jim
July 07, 2008 01:16 PM
With 500+ Senataors and Congressmen only one understands what real change is all about! Thank God for The Honorable Dr. Paul. One is better than none.
Comment by Steve K
July 07, 2008 01:19 PM

Don't EVER go away. America needs you now more than ever!!!
Comment by Julio Suarez
July 07, 2008 01:20 PM
I agree with Congressman Paul. But I believe the Govt continuous in the wrong path. History teaches us that when Republics fail, they give birth to Dictators and totalitarian governments.
Comment by Sandra Earles
July 07, 2008 01:27 PM
Keep lettin' em have it in Washington, Dr Paul!

We'll work on them from this end and hopefully they will bend a bit.
Comment by William Duff
July 07, 2008 01:33 PM

You are restating what you have already restated. Of course you are right.

I take this opportunity to say that i am disgusted with your current path. I think it is an error not to take your (our) message to the polls this election. I think it is foolish to step out of the race because a republican base failed to choose you...... the message is not only republican in nature. Besides, who ever thought the powerhouse republicans who have all be silenced you for 20 years would give your message the nod? Not me.

Comment by Ron Muller
July 07, 2008 01:34 PM
More than 30 years ago the Energy Dep. was created with the specific purpose of making America independent from foreign oil!!! How many people are actually employed in the Energy Dep.? And my question is,"How much longer is it going to take until we learn that anything that Government does is inefficient,wasteful and mostly useless?
Comment by Bobbie
July 07, 2008 01:37 PM
I believe we need to get rid of controlled media CBS,FOX,NBC,CNN etc. who only report what they want us to hear and RARELY anything of truth..Look what they did to you !I am writing you in Your the ONLY guy with a real plan
Comment by Fred Cummins
July 07, 2008 01:38 PM
The Honorable Ron Paul
Dr. Paul we have reached that point where we have three thousand tyrants a few miles away rather than the one three thousand miles away. Your letter would have fit our founders day perfectly and their solution was and is the only solution of a government gone totally insane. The then King was a pussy cat compared to these royal dukes and duchesses not to mention the regal dolt at the top. No Sir I am not being factitious only factual. I wonder if I am alone in my thinking or are there just a lot of folks that are afraid to speak of just telling this Government that enough enough.
Comment by Bobbie Jordan
July 07, 2008 01:42 PM
Controlled media needs to be done away with they lie and tell only what THEY want us to hear.mst wont dig for the truth.I am writing you in Dr. Paul !
Comment by Warren Wilson
July 07, 2008 01:43 PM
Kudos! to Ron Paul, the ONLY honest, consistent, patriot in Congress.
Comment by uwe bartsch
July 07, 2008 01:46 PM
ron you say it like it is our children and grandchildren will payvery dearly for our anointed officials spending it seems all they can do is lie
Comment by Robert G
July 07, 2008 01:49 PM
Great column as always Dr. Paul. However, it is hard not to be discouraged. With the people in power being so corrupt and self-serving we are truly defeated. Our efforts may be futile. I can only hope future generations will learn from this a will rise up and fight!
Comment by Ken Owens
July 07, 2008 01:51 PM
The problem with Congress as I see it is incumbents. When the same people stay in office year after year unhealthy alliances and all sorts of corruptions and decay will inevitably happen.
There are few exceptions such as Ron Paul to this fact of life and citizens must be responsible for researching and seating responsible people for this Republic to survive.
On another matter: On Tuesday, July 8th the Senate will consider an unconstitutional FISA bill that
lets lawbreaking phone companies off the hook.

These companies handed over huge amounts of information to the Bush
administration, potentially millions of emails and phone calls and more, without
getting a warrant.

Without enough public outcry, the Senate will let these phone companies off the
hook and let Bush and future presidents keep spying on Americans without
getting a warrant. Will you please help stop this horrendous bill?

Send an email to your senators now and help protect freedom.
Comment by Marni Crites
July 07, 2008 01:57 PM
Congressman Paul,
Why don't any of your fellow congressman listen to and appreciate your wisdom? I am so happy to have you as a voice of reason, a light, in the darkness of the federal government. Thank you.
Comment by Jim Paul
July 07, 2008 01:59 PM
Dr. Paul, you are a voice crying out in the wilderness. Please continue to fight the good fight. Thank you.
Comment by M. Penry
July 07, 2008 02:02 PM
Does it seem we are listening to a voice crying in the wilderness? How much farther must the US fall til the masses sit up and take notice?
Comment by Linda Hoy
July 07, 2008 02:02 PM
Thank you for your wisdom, Dr. Paul. What can I do? Who can I vote for? I voted for you in the primary. There is no significant leadership in either party that has emerged to the front. True visionay leaders like yourself, Jim Webb, and others can't seem to push through the dense forest of American complacency to get to a position of power to really lead. I do have hope knowing that you are in our Congress. Linda Hoy
Comment by Shelby Evans
July 07, 2008 02:03 PM
God bless you for your wisdom and understanding of how a constitutional republic should work. You are my hero.
Comment by Fred Cummins
July 07, 2008 02:06 PM
Change only comes when it is forced upon someone. No one wants to move out into the unfamiliar. People know Obama is not for positive change but any kind of change seems to fit our dumbed down populace. McCain offers nothing but the same one world government along with Obaba but with less frills. Don't Vote for either of these dolts.
Comment by Randy
July 07, 2008 02:15 PM
We'll see you in St. Paul Dr. Paul
Comment by Librabbit
July 07, 2008 02:18 PM
Dr. Paul's column should be on the front page of every paper, the lead story of every newscast, and in every email box in this country! Our fellow Americans need to know there is hope for America, and its name is RON PAUL.
Comment by Steve DuPree
July 07, 2008 02:22 PM
As much as I hate the thought of cloning, it would sure be nice to clone 500+ more Dr.Pauls. I cannot beging to understand the sheepish mentallity of the American people. It is time for the Revolution to begin. God bless you all.
July 07, 2008 02:24 PM
Another excellent article from a true patriot. We will never have change so long as there is only the entrenched Democratic and Republican parties. The last thing they want is change.
Comment by Daniel Morales
July 07, 2008 02:28 PM
I agree with Ron Paul but I think the problem doesn't just lie with our politicians. I Think we the people have fallen asleep and become very complacement. We need to know what political representatives are doing on a daily basis, since everything they do affects some or all of us. That seems to be the thing that most of our politicians want to avoid. As long as we don't know what they're doing, we'll vote them into office again and again. Dan
Comment by Doug Holmes
July 07, 2008 02:45 PM
One of our problems is people who believe the government is the solution to their problems. In reality, it is usually the government that IS the problem needing a solution. On another vein, I already have a "Mommy and Daddy". I resent the government's trying to take their place in my life.
Comment by Bennet Barlean
July 07, 2008 02:54 PM
A great article. I look forward to reading "Straight Talk" every week. I wish the rest of the government thought and acted as Dr. Paul. I hope the eyes of the American People are opened as to the truth of what Dr. Paul has been speaking about for years. What a wonderful place the United States would be. Even with all it's flaws the United States is a good place to live, however, more and more being an American is an embarrassment, as our current government continues it's illegal global quest for control. I pray for Dr. Paul and our country as a whole.
Comment by Phil Wittig
July 07, 2008 03:08 PM
Dr. Paul, your right on.

The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence contains the following, "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness....But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security."

Is it time?

Phil Wittig
Comment by Richard McDonald
July 07, 2008 03:12 PM
Dr. Paul,
As usual, you make many points which are important to examine. One of the most important ones here is one which you only touch on briefly. That is the issue of the Trade agreements. I began communicating with you over a decade ago about these, and about how the Codex commission (a subsidiary group which was formed to codify standards for the trade agreements)... was endangering freedom all over the world, by creating standards with which only the largest companies can meet. This effectively cuts out the small companies of the signatory nations, and is working in a detrimental way, to concentrate the power and market shares of large corporations. This is exactly what is happening in the world of natural heatlh care products, (such as vitamins and herbs).
Even though one rarely hears about a poisoning or death which is attributable to herbs, and even though many long term clinical studies have been undertaken all over the world, notably in China... showing excellent results when using herbs for many specific human ailments, our own F.D.A. continues to try to regulate the manufacturers of truly traditional plant medicines into oblivion,via the many new record-keeping and facility standard requirements, which are sometimes more stringent than the ones governing pharmaceutical labs, which produce pharmaceutical drugs.
The effect all of this is having on the natuaral products world is profound, and negative, and are threatening the practices of most alternative therapists who are in fact practitioners of the oldest healing systems in the world.
On these matters, it seems as though both the Republicans and Democrats are pretty much indistinguishable, one preferring to issue ever more strict regulations,(brought into Congress via Senators and Congressmen who receive large contributions from Pharma industy (lobbyists)... while the other side of Congress (the Democrats) continue supporting the same bills, but for different reasons. They say they want to protect us from the danger of unscrupulous manufacturers which could cause death or injury (even though the drugs produced via pharma industry corporations are, in fact, the ones having the death and injury problems, not the producers and users of herbal medicines.
If the poop hits the fan in the next few years, and nobody can afford health care, I can guarantee you that knowing about the herbs in your local area (and how to use them), is going to be a survival skill, and not simply the luxury or "alternative" which it is today.
In closing, I suggest that whomever our next president is, that they need to pretty much scrap the current trade deals, and reformulate them so that they are good for all. If this doesn't happen, then we MUST pull out of the WTO organization, since participating in that farce could cost our country billions, and we could be FORCED as a signatory, to comply with their decision about a trade dispute.
Comment by Bill Mc Millian
July 07, 2008 03:14 PM
Thank you Congressman Paul
You are the only one that is qualified to be our president, Mc Cain = No Obama =No
I am still voteing for you in the November Election
I do not know if you will be on any of the ballots if your not I will write your name in for the highest office,President Of The United States
Bill Mc Millian
New Richmond,Ohio
God Bless You
Comment by John Heckel
July 07, 2008 03:19 PM
Dr. Paul, 99.5% of politicians are giving you and a scant few others a bad name. The only change these scoundrels give us is to change their rhetoric after holding their finger up to the wind. Unless any incumbent agrees with Dr. Paul's positions, following his example and vote "NO."
Comment by Zane Wright
July 07, 2008 03:21 PM
It is indeed a fact that all Governments throughout history will eventually change. The question is when and how.

I am inclined to say that the current level of the abuses of power by our Corporate masters, place our country dangerously close to the precipice from which change will be demanded by the populace.

The founders of our country aptly stated the basic nature of man with the following words, "mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

We have grown accustomed to the abuses and usurpations that our current government has gradually imposed on us over the years since 1933.

My hope was that Dr. Paul would be the catalyst for reasonable change as opposed to the radical change that is coming. Radical change that will be forced upon us by economic conditions so destructive that there will be no other available course.
Comment by a bAILEY
July 07, 2008 03:25 PM
The intl. banking cartel is pulling the strings of the Council on Foreign Relations, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Congress, our President, and a host of UN organizations. Rich men have always ruled the world. How can we fight them. They have already won.
Comment by Roger Aune
July 07, 2008 04:25 PM
Vote none of the above. Voting for evil, lesser or not, is still voting for evil. Write-in Ron Paul so voters will know there is a choice in the future for a better future.
Comment by Jeff Keene
July 07, 2008 04:44 PM
I'm writing you in too, whether there's a space on the ballot or not!! The other two candidates aren't worth a box of rocks!!! I hope millions of more true patriots will do the same for a landslide victory!!
Comment by Michael Hoefler
July 07, 2008 04:52 PM
I read a remark when 10 Republicans were vying for president earlier this year: "9 are running for dictator and
Ron Paul is running for President."
Comment by charles Collette
July 07, 2008 05:00 PM
Change ?? Dear patriots, nothing will change until we return to a sound money system and get out of the " shadow government " of the privately owned Federal Reserve system. Politicians love this system, their careers depend on it, they have to account for nothng, wheras " statesmen and leaders of men " despise it. There will be no change until we return to our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law. Honorable Sir, we thank you for being such an "outstanding Statesmen" May the hand of the "ALMIGHTY" be with you in all your efforts. America could use many more "Statesmens" such as yourself.
Thank you,
Most respectfully,

Charles Collette
Comment by Matt K.
July 07, 2008 05:09 PM
Dr. Paul- I implore you to return to the race to the white house in a campaign that I have been talking about since the Repulican nominee was chosen. Please sir, ask people to write in your name for President. Ask them in your news letters. You have many supporters out here who are fearful of the next administration whoever may win. Excepting you. I cannot stress to you the significance of this next election. We have one person outspokenly saying he will burden all with more and higher taxes, the other not coming out and saying that but his intentions are clear and his spine is like a wet noodle.
Everyone who reads this: Please write in Ron Paul for your choice this November. Our country's life depends on it.
Ron Paul has won more straw polls than all the other candidates combined. This means a write in vote can make a difference and make Dr. Paul a real threat to win. Do it for you, do it for your family, and do it for your country.
Comment by Stephen
July 07, 2008 05:16 PM
Lots of gloom and doom. Is it to affect change through the barrel of a rifle?, or is there still hope?
Comment by Jon Elkin
July 07, 2008 05:36 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul for your continuing effort to goad Americans into taking a hard look at our system and its current failings. Hopefully , American voters will take back their government before it is too late.

I am nearly 67 years old and finally have realized that both major parties are playing the same game. I now am an old Republican who is transitioning into an Independent with very strong Libertarian leanings.

Sir, please keep speaking out your truth to us for as long as you can.


Jon Elkin
Comment by Jacqueline
July 07, 2008 05:49 PM
Dr. Paul,

You are aware that the members of the Federal Reserve are going before Congress on July 10, 2008 to discuss the "Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure" which appears to me to be the complete takeover of America's financial economy by the Federal Reserve.

When you have control of a countries economy, you have control of that country. How can Congress let this fraud continue, let alone grow into such a monster? I do not want to be under the complete control of the Federal Reserve and it's IRS thugs. This is Treason, how can we stop this from happening...Dr. Paul?

This is why you were blocked Dr. Paul, I will write you in, but you know I don't believe any of our votes count.
Comment by Joe Crocker
July 07, 2008 06:03 PM
"Stop spending money we don't have abroad"
Right on!
Comment by peechies
July 07, 2008 06:07 PM
The international policies of the US has always been for more economic gain, and very little to do with humanitarian causes, such as oppression of women, racism, dictatorship, and ethnic cleansing. I have travelled extensively, and communicated with many people all over the world, and found out that not only do many of us lack culture, but we are also misinformed by what is being documented by the media. Many of the countries we are aiding are wealthy countries that are rich in natural resouces. We support foreign corrupted governments, who expolit citizens in these countries. Americans need to be aware that our constitution is based on a representative democracy adapted by the Romans and Greeks. This is not necessarily a 'true' democracy. I beleive that monetary and tax policies should be changed, and that people should have more control over their own money, especially to the way its being utilized. Many US citizens opposed the war, but unfortunately our Representatives voted in favor of the war, which resulted in billions of dollars in the country's deficit. I am a registered Democrat who advocates for Barack Obama, but unfortunately a man as great as Ron Paul was not given the liberty to run against him. I encouraged all my Republican coworkers to support Ron Paul, instead of Mc Cain, Huckabee, and Mitt Romney, but sadly, Mc cain made the ticket. Ron Paul, if you ever decide to run again, I will vote for you. But please, let the world know who you are, especially people of color!!!!
Comment by zane
July 07, 2008 06:44 PM
we need to go back to the gold standard.
Comment by Glenn Winstead
July 07, 2008 06:48 PM
Unfortunately, one good man cannot stop a stampede of elephants or donkeys.
The system cannot be changed from within. Abolishing the state is the only recourse.
Comment by Paul Wierzbicki
July 07, 2008 07:00 PM
What you advocate is very true Mr. Paul. More money needs to go into the pockets of American citizens. Unfortunately, it's only going into the pockets of rich American citizens. Fix that too.
Comment by Mitchell Sloane
July 07, 2008 08:27 PM
Dr.Paul, I am in the financial services business and it is very hard for me to believe the numbers the government delivers to us on a weekly basis. The problem is, and I find it quite ironic, is that the numbers that come out seem to be just what the market needs as a panacea. I am tired of the lies and cloak and dagger antics of our government. You are right on about giving the money back to the people. The fact that our USA is considering bailing out homeowners who have mortage issues to me is an absolute disgrace. They got themselves into this mess let them get out of it. Bear Stearns should have been let to fall as well as the next one, when it comes. This country has gotten to big and fat, we don't make anything anymore, we consume everything. All we care about is helping everyone else. Well how about shutting our borders down and fixing home plate first? Our dollar is useless, which is why oil is where it is. If I hear one more person tell me it is supply/demand and specualtors I am going to scream. Let's be honest, gold is the only source of wealth left in the world, and when people start to realize there ain't no more gold in dem hills, it will be $2000 an ounce. This country is in big trouble and I thought you were the one to fix it. Apparently the rest of the USA is too shortsighted to see the forest through the trees. So we trudge on down this path of destruction. As an American it is truly a shame...Keep up the good work...
Comment by John Eleniewski
July 07, 2008 08:32 PM
Dr. Paul,

My Bible, and your courage and determination has inspired me to run for office.
Comment by xnylady
July 07, 2008 09:16 PM
The American People are going to use "Change" as the result of their votes. What "Changes" do you suppose we will really get. Be careful what you ask for?
Comment by Courtney
July 07, 2008 09:53 PM
Thanks so much for this article- I too am sick and tired of the Federal Reserve. They are out of control.

Many blessings to you and your family, we really appreciate what you are doing for our country.

God bless,
Comment by Rahmatoola Rujeedawa
July 07, 2008 10:25 PM
Dr. Ron Paul seems to be the only rational voice in Washington. Unfortunately the vast majority of Americans prefer someone who lies and misleads them with bold (but hollow) rhetoric.
Most people do not want to know the truth but only what makes them feel good. Hence they are led like sheep to the slaughter house.
Comment by Duan Jones
July 07, 2008 10:25 PM
All I can say is that I AM grateful for a True Representative of the people. What a wonderful country we could have if congress and thecureent crony president saw things that way. You are my hero-STAY the Faith!Now more than Ever!!!
Comment by beesting
July 07, 2008 10:31 PM
Dear Dr. Paul,THANK YOU!

Some great comments here, but not many realize that "ACTION" must be taken by us, before it's too late!

I am handing out copies of your "Honest Money Bill" proposal { H.R. 2756 } which supports competing currencies, every Saturday at our local growers market.

We, my good friends, MUST spread the good words, and good legislation proposals of Dr. Paul to everyone we meet, so extreme pressure will be put on "ALL" elected officials, to help pass this sound monetary proposal & the rest of Dr. Paul's legislation.

See you in St Paul!

Thank you for reading.
Comment by Andy White
July 07, 2008 10:36 PM
How much criminal behavior does it take for the Obama/McCain supporters to lose trust in government?
Comment by Mike
July 07, 2008 11:04 PM

There are many people like me who agree with you (or rather, with whom you agree), but there are so very many people blind to the reality of the true cause behind things like inflation, the boom-and-bust economic cycle, the true intent of government (to become larger), and so on.

I was one of them.

I "figured it out" before I had heard of you, but amazingly, you spoke straight to the Truth of matters. That's why I have and will support you, but it is also why you were ultimately unsuccessful in running for president. You would have been severely restricted in what you could have done at any rate.

My hope is, I believe, your hope: to wake up as many people to the original intent of the constitution and the founding fathers as possible. To love this country but not necessarily its government, because the two were and are never, ever the same.

May God bless you for your efforts and honesty. I hope for my children's sake they bear fruit.
Comment by Dick Gach
July 07, 2008 11:18 PM
Good Straight Talk, as always. I've got two questions, Dr. Paul -- What is the INTEREST on our total debt, at present low rates, and what will it be when inevitable inflation sets in?
Comment by Sheepdog
July 07, 2008 11:40 PM
One Percenters, prepare!
Comment by Sam Friesen
July 08, 2008 00:46 AM
In response to Jody LaLande, we still have an excellent man running for president. I agree that Ron Paul would have made an excellent choice, but he has chosen to step out of the race. Check out Dr. Chuck Baldwin. www.baldwin08.com From what I've been able to find, Chuck is cut from the same piece of cloth as Ron Paul. Chuck has been nominated by the Constitution Party which is the fastest growing party in America.
Comment by Charles La Rue
July 08, 2008 01:06 AM
There has to be a revolt, but it can't be by force.

Oppressive governments rely on the tacit concent of the people. They obtain this by issuing a constant stream of propoganda in the form of "network news". The stories they tell are ludicrous - they are incomplete, twisted, the facts are reversed, they don't make sense, they switch back and forth, and so forth.

Therefore, our revolt has to take the form of cutting the propoganda channel. We do this simply by permanently switching off television news and refusing to read newspapers.

Remember that the news "stories" are just that. They are very cleverly designed to panic us into a viewpoint they want us to have. The techniques used are very advanced marketing and persuasive methods that are almost impossible to resist. As soon as you read the headline, they have oyou. So the boycott has to be absolutly complete.

Instead of viewing mainstream news, we must go ahead and research the topics we want to know about on the Internet. We use google searches on topics of interest, such as "911 mysteries" or "runaway inflation", or "empire building in the middle east", or "
the signs of facism.

This is a more in depth method of getting information which we can do instead of watching the news.

Switching off the news is a very serious blow to the government and will automatically lead to reform because they can't do anything to influence public opinion. The people will be able to form their own opinions.

Just remember that no action is necessary. The truth alone will set us free. Once the goverment loses control over public opinion, insiders will start to come forth telling the other side of the story. In other words, reform will come just from this one thing. But we all have to do it. So start preaching the idea of passive resistance to all your friends. Ghandi freed India from British control by just this method.
Comment by Jerry Hammond
July 08, 2008 01:13 AM
Let's see now!!!

Congress does't use enabling clauses anymore. "Revised Statutes" is now the only venue for law in this country, not the Constitution. Corporations owe their existance to the Fed. And we enfranchised the worst people in the world to control our monetary system.

Repeal the Federal Reserve Act NOW!!! I believe that all grass roots efforts should go to repealing the FEDs. Until we do, we can't accomplish anything else that needs to be done.
Comment by allen g marks
July 08, 2008 01:21 AM
Comment by dbear
July 08, 2008 02:09 AM
The reason we have been unable to effect change in our government for seventy or more years is because we, the people as a whole, have been too fragmented amongst ALL the issues our politicians have saddled us with to be able to garner a large enough power of combined agreement to handle any ONE particular issue.

What we need to do is take these things one at a time - it hardly matters in what order - and ALL gather behind that one issue until it is settled. Then move onto the next issue.

No government can long stand against the combined will of its people - that's been proven time and again throughout history. We've been kept apparently powerless only because we've been spread too thinly across too many issues at once. Let us now change our method of operation and bring our government back under the control of the people.

Comment by Thomas Spears
July 08, 2008 02:13 AM
If you ignore a problem long enough, you still have a problem. Like Roaches, they multiply faster than you can kill them, and before you know it they take over. It's time for AMERICANS to rise up and get back to what this country is what I THOUGHT was right about it when I went in the ARMY. We fought for FREEDOM for all,not just for a few elite, Who think they own us we are not SHEEPLE to be proded with a little cash, that may soon be worthless, we need a new system that is NOT dependant on the few in Congress and the other branches of this infestation called "Elected Officials" and their freinds. If we continue to ignore the problem it will not go away, it will only get bigger
Comment by Jeff Thigpen
July 08, 2008 02:47 AM
Dear Dr. Paul,

It seems obvious that one of the largest balls and chains around teh ankle of the U.S. economy is the bloated defense budget. At over $600 billion for fiscal year 2007, this outlay represents around 21% of federal spending in 2007, not including military retiree benefits and veterans benefits which together add up to around $120 billion for fiscal 2007. As we know, U.S. spending for "defense" is roughly equal to the combined defense budgets of all the other countries in teh world.
another $120 billion opr so.
. If veeterans benefits budget for
Comment by Jeff Thigpen
July 08, 2008 03:03 AM
Dear Dr. Paul,

It seems obvious that one of the largest balls and chains around teh ankle of the U.S. economy is the bloated defense budget. At over $600 billion for fiscal year 2007, this outlay represents around 21% of federal spending in 2007, not including military retiree benefits and veterans benefits which together add up to around $120 billion for fiscal 2007. As we know, U.S. spending for "defense" is roughly equal to the combined defense budgets of all the other countries in teh world.
I have a few questions: Why do U.S. taxpayers have to chip in to maintain military bases in, for example, Germany while we watch teh U.S. dolar shrinkin value vis-a-vis the Euro? is Germany so inept that it is incapable of providing for its own defense or are teh Germans just playing us for the sucker?
We have a total of neraly 10,000 nuclear warheads, over 5,000 of which are actively deployed. While the Bush Adsminstration suggests many will be taken out of service over the next five years, we are still, astonishingly, developing newer, more "sophisticated"nuclear warheads. Is this worth the price and will it really make us any safer? It is obvious to any thinking person that that teh manufacturers of complex waepons systems are cashing in while most of are beginning to slowly starve.

sany of which It seems we have any incapable of establishing and paying for his own militray bases?
Comment by Steve Miller
July 08, 2008 03:13 AM
I too will write your name in as President come November, I hope all of you do the same, the others are a joke as all before them. Thanks Ron Paul the only real man in Washington!!
Comment by Jeff Thigpen
July 08, 2008 03:32 AM
Dear Dr. Paul,

Please speaking out about the issues. Seems to me the biggest ball and chain around the ankle of the U.S. economy is the bloated "defense" budget at well over $600 billion in fiscal 2007, not including military retirement payments and veterans benefits. As we know, ourt defense budget is roughly equal to the combined defense budgets of all the rest of the countrie in the world.
This begs some questions: For example, is Germany so inept that it cannot maintain its own military bases? I know, they once started a war but that was nearly 70 years ago. Meanwhile the U.S. dollar shrinks vis-a-vis the Euro. The German governmnet and the U.S. corporations, i.e. Brown & Root, that service these overseas military bases are playing us U.S. taxpayers for the suckers we are.
When we have nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads, why do we continue to allocate huge quantities of money each year for the development of newer, more "sophisticated" versions? Is this supposed to make us feel safer?
Finally, is there anything you can do to lift the ban on travel by U.S. citizens to Cuba? Bush is fond of attempting to persuade us that we have the greatest liberties of any citizens in the world. Isn't that teh reason that militant Moslem groups hate us? Why is, then, that Canadians and Europeans can freely travel to Cuba without fear of arrest and we, liberated U.S. citizens, would be subject to arrest if we went to Cuba without a specially issued U.S. government permit, unavailable to most of us? In fact, I cannot think of any other country, besides the U.S., that prohibits its citizens from going to Cuba. This blantantly hypocrtical and unsconstitutional and such restrictions on our freedom of movemnet should be struck down. This prohibition is truly embarrassing, not to mention unnecessary.
Keep up the good work you are doing.

Jeff Thigpen
Comment by Milos Leubner
July 08, 2008 04:11 AM
There will be no freedom from without before there is a freedom and self understanding effort from within. Where there is a fear and paranoia based on lack of courage to say publicly that the emperor does not have any clothes all the political efforts will be as sterile as they are now. Why is it so horrible that some fourteen year old women have sex and bear children and raised them well while its fully socially acceptable that thirty five year old lesbians make laws for parents without ever raising any other young than cats progeny. One doesn't have to hate the enemy but can still get on a soap box in a park on Sunday morning and talk to your fellow humans about yours and theirs truth.Humans were not born professionals but when you really develop an itch you should scratch it. Fear of sex is the most effective chain to hold the ,,civilized,, slaves compliant .
Comment by Richard Armstrong
July 08, 2008 05:30 AM
3 Points:
1)Does anyone know which Congressmen and Senators take a similar stand with Dr. Paul on monetary policy, the Federal REserve, the trade agreements, and limitations of the federal government? If so, please name one or more so we can see if there are additional votes and persuasion to give us encouragement, and to use to commit additional members of Congress to walk this line of wisdom.

2) I have heard that if you write in Ron Paul for President that it needs to be done by absentee ballot to be sure they will be counted. This refers to some law for the inclusion of absentee ballots, while write-ins at the polls may not be counted and reported. The idea is to proclaim by a massive, albeit minority, vote that the main party nominees woefully lack the confidence of a huge bloc of the citizenry.

3) Let your nominees for Congress, regardless of party affiliation, know that you are undecided, pending what stance they actually take on dealing with the Federal Reserve, the trade agreements, the redistribution of wealth (taxpayer plunder), and the like. In Utah we were able to end the status quo leadership of Representative Chris Cannon, and I will speak by phone soon with the Republican candidate who defeated him in the Primary. He wants to hear from me on these issues. Not all will listen with real intent, but try it anyway.

Thanks, Fellow Patriots.
Comment by Jean Faurisson
July 08, 2008 06:26 AM
It is fine and dandy all that you say, Dr. Paul. I love it and you are great. But you have to come out of the woodworks and spell out what is THE group most opposed to solving the problems as you suggest. I am sure you know what that despicable group is that controls most nations, and yours in particular.
Comment by littlepear
July 08, 2008 06:37 AM
I would love to sit in the house and listen to your wise words in person.

Anyway, I have run for and won a Republican County Central Committee seat in California and am proud to be a Ron Paulitician.

What's next, my Commander in Chief!!!
Comment by Jonathan P. Chance
July 08, 2008 07:23 AM
Thank you for bringing our nation's attention to its biggest problems: global militarism and the Federal Reserve Corporation.

While some mistake the "gold standard" as a solution to the abuses of private central banks, it's important to remember that "Fools' Gold" (see Robert Carroll) is one of the banksters' oldest weapons, as is usury and many other deceptions.

Most of the world's institutionally created problems can probably be avoided when legitimate governments issue and circulate non-inflationary money such as United States Notes and renewable energy credits (US RECs) and allow complimentary currencies in a free and fair marketplace.
Comment by Bob
July 08, 2008 08:08 AM
You're a "write-in" for me, too.
Comment by Dave
July 08, 2008 08:39 AM
Obama promotes himself as the candidate of change. Check out these reports:

Part 1 - http://therealnews.com/t/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=1805

Part 2 - http://therealnews.com/t/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=1787
Comment by William
July 08, 2008 09:57 AM
Dear Ron Paul,

Thank you for wanting to represent my best interest as well the others around me. How selfless to spend this much energy in a direction that actually means something. Where to go from here?

Real Change, something factual that would make something different than it is today. Yes these are words and yes they describe something, what? In order for it to be fact it needs action that causes something to be different. Who will do it? You? Why in this country do we always expect someone to do it for us? Are we lazy, stupid, uncoordinated? It is us folks; we are the ones who are going to have to enforce change. We are going to have to stand together in a common direction. We are going to have to fight against the bullies in this country that think it is ok to manipulate us.
Stop acting as though one person will make it go away. It is you and it’s your friends and your neighbors, your families, fellow workers, the people you meet out on the street.
Yes there are many apposing views, why is that? What real change do you want in this country? Or is it changes? What are they?
Do you wish to stop being manipulated like you are an idiot?
Do you wish to stop oversized Government that only has one intention (to take)?
Would you like to see people care about each other in this country?
It starts with all of you, in November show the real idiots we are done being pushed around. Put Ron Paul on the ballot; get everyone you know to put him down. Make it impossible for them to lie in this election. Break this broken process; fight back with their own fluff. But we must do it united, put aside all our different views and ideologies. One thing Ron Paul put out here for us is the truth. He communicated truth and we agreed and we are either with him or against him. There is no grey area here, its plain and it’s the truth.
Lead by example; show your children how to make change in this country. For that matter show each other you all really mean it by real action in this election and get everyone you know on board.
We need each other and we always will, start now please. It’s your future.
Keep in mind the two that are in the running are bought and paid for by the manipulating authorities, big money and special interest, this means then they are not here for you, remember I said that.
Comment by Patriot
July 08, 2008 10:12 AM
"But, first lets get rid of the 535+2 criminals that have placed our country on the edge of bankruptcy."

Uh.. we already ARE bankrupt.

I agree though that we need to get rid of the 534 criminals. That is not going to happen though. What will happen is that the bankers will take over by bankrupting the whole world where nothing is of any value and the currency does not exist anywhere and then they will come back and solve all the problems, using the existing Congress criminals to assist them.
Comment by Warren Westfall
July 08, 2008 10:21 AM
Mr. Paul thank you, I am happy to be a supporter and will continue to look for candidates that stand for your brand of liberty. Please keep up the good work and God bless you

Comment by LaRae Ferguson
July 08, 2008 10:51 AM
Dr. Paul, Thank you for showing the people that we can have Congressmen who are doing the job that the people have elected them to do. Your integrity is so apparent as well as your ability to solve real problems. Shame on the Media for their part in helping to keep the status quo in Washington.To me, you would have been the "People's President". Now, I only fear what will come next....
Comment by Kevin Welling
July 08, 2008 01:37 PM
Sage advice and strength against the unpopular political rhetoric, but where's the plan to impart this change? Where do we begin, outside of joining Freedom?
Comment by Lori C. Hugill
July 08, 2008 01:59 PM
It's a sad fact that Ron Paul, whose views reflect the views of the founding fathers more than any other politician in Congress, is considered "outside the mainstream" today.
Comment by Alfred Jordan
July 08, 2008 04:04 PM
Last night Jamie Dimon, CEO of Morgan began his management of Bear Stearns via a stage act with Charlie Rose of PBS. Bear Stearn apparently or so we are told nearly destroyed the financial system of the United States. But instead of allowing Bear Stearns failing altogether, the Federal Reserve aided by the Treasury guarantees $29 billion for Morgan to assume responsibility for Bear Stearns. Assuming that Morgan will also fail we get the bill either way. Who gave the Federal Reserve the ability to send us a bill for a debt none of us incurred?
Comment by Lou Gamboa
July 08, 2008 04:17 PM
I have followed your career for many years, and I think your one, if not the only good Congressman we have.
What was the response from Paul Volcker at the Joint Economic Committee Hearing, when you stated your point of view.
Comment by Jannie Locklear
July 08, 2008 04:18 PM
For freedom, for family, for our nation, write in Ron Paul. All who love freedom, run for office. This CAN happen.
Comment by Don Duncan
July 08, 2008 04:40 PM
"Who gave the F.R. the ability to send us a bill..."? The American people did when they paid no attention to politics and trusted a few so-called reps to protect them. The problem is too few take responsibility for their own protection by studying.
Comment by Jonathan Pace
July 08, 2008 05:19 PM
Ron Paul- "How a true Patriot Acts".

If we can ever get back to a currency backed by gold and silver we should put Dr Paul on the $1 bill.
Comment by Earl Staten
July 08, 2008 08:19 PM
Dr. Paul I didn't know that you existed until last year. But once I found out about you I have been a supporter. I didn't know there were people like you left in congress. Thanks for giving me hope again. I wish my congressman in Louisiana was more like you.
Comment by david roeder
July 08, 2008 10:01 PM
thank you for opening my eyes at what is going on,i hope we can change this for future generations. god bless
Comment by Dan
July 09, 2008 01:25 AM
Ron Paul, Please put your name in for Vice President for Barrak Obama. You two together could really change Ameica for the Better by being inside both the Democratic and Republican Party but still listening to the Independants like me. Good Luck Dan
Comment by Michael Ballard
July 09, 2008 02:47 AM
Dr. Paul:

You are a great statesman but a lousy Banker. Gold is but a commodity representing "good bills" Our debt is so large and so many countries are holding our paper, "paper gold", as reserves for their fiat currencies that if the dollar were revalued in Gold or Rocks in their fields it would create an inflation too large too even imagine. The only solution is to LIQUIDATE everything. The dollar respresents a "thing" Lquidate and start the game anew. The world's debt can easily be defined as a glass of sea water but there is not enough sea water. No animal, mineral or such can represent to value of a dollar or a mark or a peso. Liquidate, liquidate and liquidate. Money has become just a fart in the wind. I can think of nothing that can be a medium of exchange. You can burn the paper for heat. Take your pick. The tribe has to be a step above barter. Sea Shells??
Comment by N.BURT
July 09, 2008 03:11 AM
The Voice of Reason

We here in the UK have a problem much worse than yours and given what you say would fix our problem just as well but as we do not have anyone to lead us out of the wilderness of debt ,lies and deciept I am afraid its going to be ''COLD TURKEY'' for both our countries and indeed all other countries that lived off the largesse of the USA.

The evil plots that are discussed behind closed doors at the G7 meetings have done precious little to cure the ills of the debt ridden world.Ron Paul all griss to your mill and lots of success to you and your campaign
Comment by Rebecca
July 09, 2008 08:08 AM
I work for the federal government and every day I am reminded of the incompetencies that come out of Washington. I makes me shake my head in disbelief every time I hear someone talk about how the government should fix something. Anyone know anything about Social Security or the VA??? The government is not the answer!
Comment by Edward Ulysses Cate
July 09, 2008 08:20 AM
Change is that the folks who DO NOT lie, steal and murder no longer tolerate their Congressional representatives who DO lie, steal and murder. The one who wrote this commentary is shunned by most others in Congress simply because he doesn't lie, steal and murder. That's my reason for respecting Ron Paul.
Comment by William
July 09, 2008 08:21 AM
Dear Ron Paul,

Thank you for wanting to represent my best interest as well the others around me. How selfless to spend this much energy in a direction that actually means something. Where to go from here?

Real Change, something factual that would make something different than it is today. Yes these are words and yes they describe something, what? In order for it to be fact it needs action that causes something to be different. Who will do it? You? Why in this country do we always expect someone to do it for us? Are we lazy, stupid, uncoordinated? It is us folks; we are the ones who are going to have to enforce change. We are going to have to stand together in a common direction. We are going to have to fight against the bullies in this country that think it is ok to manipulate us.
Stop acting as though one person will make it go away. It is you and it’s your friends and your neighbors, your families, fellow workers, the people you meet out on the street.
Yes there are many apposing views, why is that? What real change do you want in this country? Or is it changes? What are they?
Do you wish to stop being manipulated like you are an idiot?
Do you wish to stop oversized Government that only has one intention (to take)?
Would you like to see people care about each other in this country?
It starts with all of you, in November show the real idiots we are done being pushed around. Put Ron Paul on the ballot; get everyone you know to put him down. Make it impossible for them to lie in this election. Break this broken process; fight back with their own fluff. But we must do it united, put aside all our different views and ideologies. One thing Ron Paul put out here for us is the truth. He communicated truth and we agreed and we are either with him or against him. There is no grey area here, its plain and it’s the truth.
Lead by example; show your children how to make change in this country. For that matter show each other you all really mean it by real action in this election and get everyone you know on board.
We need each other and we always will, start now please. It’s your future.
Keep in mind the two that are in the running are bought and paid for by the manipulating authorities, big money and special interest, this means then they are not here for you, remember I said that.
Comment by John Harsh
July 09, 2008 09:11 AM
Let's start modestly with things that voters understand:
1) Term limits for Congress
2) A Constitutional Amendment mandating a balanced budget.
Then add:

3) A repeal of the Federal Reserve Act.
4) Reinstatment of the Glass Steagal Act
Comment by Joseph Zach
July 09, 2008 10:51 AM
During your "run for President", I and my wife spent slightly over $1,000.00 towards the Ron Paul Election cottage industry.

We also spent over one hundred hours, sometimes missing work, thereby losing household monies, doing sign waving, and other related activities.

There were plenty of "Libertarian" "Indian Chiefs" and little or no "Indian Braves:.

The New Hampshire election ahd no set u for affidavits post eletronic voting machnine activity, and no, none, nada, challenge of the voting totals was done by any of these "Indian Chiefs".I wnat to thank both you, but molst especially I want to thank ALL of the "Indian Chiefs" for the experience. The tuition was steep but well worth it.

I now know, that beyond any doubt, whatsoever, that behind EVERY politician, there is a bloated bureauracy of blow-hards, and talkers.

We ahe learned our lesson well, and intend to never get involved in any so-called "Libertarian" causes again, and to not donate even one thin dime to ANY politician of any stripe or party affiliation.

Thanks for the lesson. Very expensive but very useful.

Last word = we are what is considered "working class poor".

We will NEVER spend our money so unwisely ever again.

J & G Zach
Long Island,
New York
Comment by Ed Koller
July 09, 2008 02:51 PM
We as Americans have to take the same stance as Nathen Hale " Give me liberty or give me death" that should be all of American's motto into the future!
Comment by Joe Salorino
July 09, 2008 04:18 PM
Excellent as always. Thank you, Ron.
Comment by Steve Heath
July 09, 2008 07:15 PM
Truth, truth and more truth - that's all we seem to get from Dr. Paul. The truth has been staring Americans in the face for some time now, and it's taking the form of a loaded gun. However, its hard to see even a loaded gun when you have your eyes closed. When more and more Americans wake up and open their eyes, they will be initially terrified at what they see - maybe then they can regain their senses and join the rest of us in taking decisive and painful action to start solving the formidable problems we are facing.
Comment by Ryan Heiserman
July 09, 2008 08:06 PM
I love hearing honesty from somebody in government. Or just period these days.

Thank you Ron Paul for saying what others won't say in Congress.

You are the people's true voice.

Just a thought - since a lot of our country is compelled more by visual imagery than words maybe there is a way to put your ideas into a format that the average person would be more likely to grasp. It seems dumb but to get the people's attention (even for something as important as their own freedoms) it needs to be delivered in a package that they will be interested in.

I'm afraid too many people in our country just don't ready anything these days and I really want your message to get out there.

I've been posting MySpace bulletins paraphrasing comments from your various articles however I think they get less attention to the pointless surveys that go around that site. Maybe something visual would get the job done better.

Anyway, thanks for putting it on the line.
Comment by Raymond L Bellah
July 10, 2008 06:07 AM
Forget the printed names on the Presidential ballot.

Election laws allow Ron Paul or anyones name to be written in.
Ron Paul for President.
Comment by Don Dickey
July 10, 2008 12:44 PM
Hello Mr Paul, I consider myself old school when it comes to our nation.I believe all the people that have died to protect our constitution have done so in vain.Why have americans closed their eyes to all the coruption that now goes on daily in our federal government? You sir are a breth of fresh air with your beliefs and goals.We need to abolish federal income tax, get rid of the federal reserve,go back on the gold standard and give our money some value.Stop letting a foriegn agency run our money.We need to get rid of the central bank.Our forfathers stood strong together on that very point.Thomas Jefferson stated that "Our biggest enimies will not be on the battle field but will be banks".I wish you good luck and please don't lose your faith there are maby people behind you.
Comment by Tom McBroom
July 10, 2008 02:40 PM
Dr. Paul, your probably the only national Republican that I listen to.
The Republicans claim to be "conservatives" but have spent our country into oblivion.
Please sir, stay on message while we still have "free speech". That freedom might be the next one taken away.
We have become a facist country run by Corporations. This has to stop.
Comment by Jason Blue
July 10, 2008 07:04 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul

Military disengagement and free, open, fair trade is the path to world wide peace and prosperity. I also agree with you that we should be allowed to make legal transactions in precious metals if we so choose. Please continue to help stop the looters and let me know what I can do to help.
Comment by Rick Shaffer
July 11, 2008 00:03 AM
we should either reign in the federal monarchy or at least demand they be honest enought to change the words of the constitution to: "You, the people.....". Thank you Ron Paul for the real hope you have given to us and the eye-opening emails as well.
Comment by John H Waiting
July 11, 2008 10:42 AM
I take a great interest in the US politic situation.I am a UK citizen and would like you to know we forgive you for that Boston Tea Party and other incidents so would welcome you to run for our Parliament.
Keep up your good works for the people of te United States.
Comment by George Brown
July 11, 2008 11:39 AM
Ron, although it saddens me that you are out of the running for 2008, it makes me feel good that you are still fighting and we will be fighting right along beside you to get our country back and on track. You will always have my support to get the message out the the Goverment needs to ne reformed NOW, because there is no time for later.
Again in closeing I wish more people would wake before it is to late..
Thanks again and we will keep up the fight.
Comment by Carole
July 11, 2008 02:02 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul. As always you speak the truth.

Congress needs to develop a backbone and that will not happen until the lobbyists are outlawed and Congress starts listening to the people. They also need to recall many of the ridiculous laws and many powers they have handed over to the executive branch.

Stop the spending and clean out the lawbooks of garbage.

Take responsibility for their actions like the American people must do.

Sane in WVa.
Comment by Carole
July 11, 2008 02:02 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul. As always you speak the truth.

Congress needs to develop a backbone and that will not happen until the lobbyists are outlawed and Congress starts listening to the people. They also need to recall many of the ridiculous laws and many powers they have handed over to the executive branch.

Stop the spending and clean out the lawbooks of garbage.

Take responsibility for their actions like the American people must do.

Sane in WVa.
Comment by Carole
July 11, 2008 02:04 PM
Thank you Dr. Paul. As always you speak the truth.

Congress needs to develop a backbone and that will not happen until the lobbyists are outlawed and Congress starts listening to the people. They also need to recall many of the ridiculous laws and many powers they have handed over to the executive branch.

Stop the spending and clean out the lawbooks of garbage.

Take responsibility for their actions like the American people must do.

Sane in WVa.
Comment by Yvonne Wesley
July 11, 2008 05:09 PM
Once again, you've hit the nail on the head. As Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." America should set the example by managing ourselves like any home must, NOT by exerting far too much - in "money" spent and manpower lost - forcing "democracy" down other countries' throats whether they like it, or not. Besides, "democracy" is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner! That's not what the founders envisioned!
Comment by Joe Marcinuk
July 11, 2008 06:49 PM
Even if the free citizens manage to wrestle a little prosperity and security away from the power brokers, tyranical federal beurocracies such as the FDA continue to be determined to prevent us from even taking care of our own health naturally. Right now the FDA has determined to use opressive measures to shut down vitamin supplement companies, require a doctor's prescription for food supplements, and insure that the obcenely wealthy and powerful drug companies get every dollar we have. Only one example of the corruption and greed that are on such a grand scale. This country could not be recognized by our forefathers as the one they founded. Thank you, Dr. Ron Paul for trying to illuninate some darkness.
J. M.
Fairfield, WA
Comment by Diane
July 11, 2008 11:14 PM
DR. Paul, excellent statement.

Americans are in too much debt. But each individual can change that. Pay off debt, pay cash and refuse future debt. Think you can't? You do it the same way you eat an elephant - one bite at a time. Need Help? Go to daveramsey.com
Take responsibility for your actions. Grow up, Wake up and pay attention (all that takes is time - not cash!)
Here's to working the baby steps!
Comment by David Kretzmann
July 12, 2008 02:11 AM
Mr. Paul,

I am 15 years old and I can't tell you how much hope you have given me and my friends. You have inspired a generation, sir, and your hard, unceasing work can never be repaid.

You are a great American.
Comment by Matt Trapani
July 12, 2008 06:24 PM
Thank you Congressman Paul for your fantastic book, The Revolution, and for your Presidential campaign that gave citizens a different choice as opposed to 'more of the same.'
Comment by Tom K
July 14, 2008 08:10 PM
What is needed to bring our country out of the mess that it has been in for so long now is first of all people need to care more about others than themselves. In order for that to take place we will have to return to what made all of this possible in the first place- having faith in God, believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and the only way to heaven. He tells us in His Word if we do that then He will take care of the rest. But we have to keep doing our part! Don't rest on our laurels! And then maybe enough people will wake up in time so that we can get to work on the other stuff- like abolish the IRS and the Federal Reserve, eliminate the Council on Foreign Relations and get the U.S. out of the U.N.!! Then I would think we might stand a chance. Oh, and it might be a good idea to have at least one more political party that could have a chance to compete with the BIG 2... but of course only if they are honest and put the needs of the people first. I gave up on the Republican party because they have become so liberal now it doesn't matter who they nominate, that person will be a RINO.- (Republican in Name Only) Remember the words "One Nation Under God". THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR EVIL YO TRIUMPH IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Comment by Rainman
July 14, 2008 10:57 PM
Dr. Paul, I'd rather "waste" my vote and "Vote" my conscience. My wife and I, Sir and many friends are also going to WRITE IN RON PAUL on for PRESIDENT 2008! We need to Fire Washington and start over with "Representatives" whom believe and support our Constitution. We desperately need you, Ron. Thanks!
July 15, 2008 04:11 PM
We all agree with Ron Paul that our government has become the Amerian citizens worst nightmare.

However Dr. Paul cannot change America on his own. We also need to replace the stuck in the mud regime which dwells in both the Senate and the House with people who believe in our "true American" ideals and the Constitution which is the foundation of those ideals and beliefs.

Let us make this election a change for the better by ousting those who promote the destruction of America and care only for their personal agenda's and their political party line socialistic objectives.

It is time Americans didn't vote Democrat or Republican but voted for the individuals who not only with their mouth, but by their actions promote the America we were founded on.

America was founded by individuals with one objective, freedom. We were not founded by political parties.

This election year, let us vote for America and not for a political party and their anti-American agenda.
Comment by James Gordon
July 17, 2008 06:26 PM
How many defeats do we have to swallow before a light appears at the end of this twisted tunnel? One by one, issues arise that spur requests for grass-roots actions: petition signings, letters to legislators and editors, contributions, house parties; the list goes on and on, while each in turn falls in defeat by the entrenched, dishonest powers that be. Ours has become a nation of liars - not only government officials but also businessmen, bankers and others who thrive on the labor and sacrifices of others. I do not know where to find any more optimism – mine is depleted.

Best regards, Dr. Paul
James Gordon
Comment by ken gregory
July 27, 2008 00:59 AM
Dr. Paul:
I am going to write your name in on the Presidential ballot in Nov. I have been told by some that my vote will not be counted. It will be counted by the Lord God in Heaven, I want to be on record as voting for the only honest, decent man in this presidential race.

Thank you my friend.
Ken Gregory
Comment by Brian Stevens
August 12, 2008 00:49 AM
We need more politicians that are interested in doing what is right for our country, instead of what is right for their wallets. I wish more people would wake up and support Paul for president. Ron Paul is the only good presidential candidate out there. Obama is not fit or trustworthy to run this country. McCain is just another big money mouthpeice. Keep up the good work Mr. Paul!!
Sincerely Brian Stevens
Comment by Carl Muti
November 09, 2008 09:19 AM
Dr. Paul,

thank you for bringing forward, what seems to me, the real intentions of our nation's founders, how do we get these into the RNC's platform?

We need the fundamentals of the party re-established or like in this election they'll not get my vote and the vote of many others. You are so right that we need a government that defends us against acts of force and /or fraud, but we should not be the police of the world.

How may I learn more about your platform and how to reach out to the RNC?

Peace and all good,
Comment by Eric Connor
November 14, 2008 04:10 PM
Ron Paul 2012! Let the REAL CHANGE begin.

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